Forums - CSR102x node as a provisioner

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CSR102x node as a provisioner
Join Date: 12 Feb 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, 2018-06-09 01:59


I'm a beginner with CSR Mesh and I intend to do a provisioner using CSR102x IOT board that I can control the provision and communication with other nodes in the mesh network through my user-defined UART protocol.

As I read from Qualcomm Mesh userguide documents, It's possible to make a CSR102x device become a provisioner by using QmeshCreateDeviceInstance() but from the node examples I couldn't see the way to create device instance or elements in the source code.

I believe that the device instance and elements would be initialized in AppMeshInit() which is called after CM iniitialization done but the source code only show the CSRMeshInit() function so I think that it should be data that was defined somewhere for the CSRMeshInit() function to load.

So my question is how to make an CSR102x provisioner application? In that case, which data need to be defined and which handlers need to be implemented to do the device provision and communicate with other node in the mesh network.

Best Regards.

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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Join Date: 6 Jun 16
Location: Skype: nissim.test CSR1010 External design house
Posts: 235
Posted: Sat, 2018-06-09 04:00

You can call my Skype nissim.test

I will guide you


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Join Date: 12 Feb 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2018-06-20 21:30

Dear Mr Nissim, 

Thanks for your reply. I have added your skype. My skype name is chau_bkhn (Nguyễn Minh Châu). 

Please help to accept so that we can discuss on skype.

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