Forums - CSRmesh beacons Device ID?

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CSRmesh beacons Device ID?
Join Date: 28 Jun 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2016-06-28 15:24

Hi Jesse,  I am connecting my phone to a CSRmesh consisting of 3 beacons. I would like to receive the RSSI values of the 3 CSRmesh beacons.

The Android application CSRmeshDemo reports the bridge CSRmesh (Device ID: 00:02:5B:00:15:83) RSSI.

To receive the the RSSI of the other two beacons I implemented a ping request.

However, my logcat is being flooded with many device IDs!!!!

So I have two questions: 1. Why are there so many Device ID's?

There are barely any bluetooth devices nearby!!! Please see a copy of logcat below! and

2. How do I know the Device ID's of the other 2 CSRmesh beacons? Any suggestions on android implementation would be greatly



06-28 14:38:58.470 3051-3062/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothAdapter: onScanResult() - Device=38:A7:65:16:8E:9E RSSI=-53 06-28 14:38:58.470 3051-3087/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothAdapter: onScanResult() - Device=2D:36:49:52:69:67 RSSI=-47 06-28 14:38:58.570 3051-3063/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothAdapter: onScanResult() - Device=0A:C5:B6:76:5C:5F RSSI=-46 06-28 14:38:58.590 3051-3062/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothAdapter: onScanResult() - Device=0F:72:48:75:A9:54 RSSI=-46 06-28 14:38:58.690 3051-3087/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothAdapter: onScanResult() - Device=1E:6F:01:4E:3D:EA RSSI=-52 06-28 14:38:58.730 3051-3117/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothGatt: writeCharacteristic() - uuid: c4edc000-9daf-11e3-8003-00025b000b00 06-28 14:38:58.730 3051-3063/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothGatt: onCharacteristicWrite() - Device=00:02:5B:00:15:83 UUID=c4edc000-9daf-11e3-8003-00025b000b00 Status=0 06-28 14:38:58.730 3051-3063/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothGatt: writeCharacteristic() - uuid: c4edc000-9daf-11e3-8004-00025b000b00 06-28 14:38:58.740 3051-3062/com.csr.csrmeshdemo D/BluetoothGatt: onCharacteristicWrite() - Device=00:02:5B:00:15:83

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Jesse Tsai Moderator
Join Date: 5 Apr 16
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2016-07-05 20:01

Hi aarafa,

1. CSRMesh use non-connectable random address advertisement to transmit data like Beacon. When both CSRMesh and Beacon are working, you can see a lot of advertisements with different addresses.

2. You can check by the getDeviceName() function of ScanRecord or getName() function of BluetoothDevice class. If the name matches your bridge name, then you can get the Bluetooth address as well.


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Join Date: 14 Nov 17
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2018-04-12 04:49

Hello , i am developing CSRmesh beacon with mesh Topology , can you please share details for this i have got simple beacon application ,we need mesh beacon application ...please help in this 



Shiva Shankar S

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