Forums - Send/Receive data between CSR1010

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Send/Receive data between CSR1010
Join Date: 14 Jan 18
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2018-01-19 11:58


I was able to set up 2 CSR1010 as follow:

Device 1 as Peripheral

Detice 2 as Server

The Peripheral broadcasts data and read by the Server, that works great.

Now, I would like to send information from the Server to the Peripheral - I was searcching to see how to

1) Establish connection between the 2 (request for establish, as I understand it should come from the Server - maybe using GattCoonectReq(TYPED_BD_ADDR_T * address, flag)....  But I could not find any LM_EV_code corresponding to reception of connection request etc....

   Question 1: How to establish connection?


2) Once connected, what are the commands to send and receive data?

I was reading this forum to see any examples... without luck.

Can someone help me?



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Join Date: 18 Aug 16
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2018-03-28 14:52
Connection needs to be initiated by the peripheral, AFAIK. A timer on the peripheral should be programmed to wake the device up periodically and start advertising to the server. Once connection is established the server can send information to the peripheral. Regarding how to actually send data from server to device you will need to study up on the basics of BLE and how to create and access the services provided by the peripheral.
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