Forums - Issues with getserial and signing on APQ8084(MDP805)

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Issues with getserial and signing on APQ8084(MDP805)
Join Date: 6 May 14
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2015-03-17 16:21


I am working on a Snapdragon 805 MDP(APQ8084) tablet. I need to get the Hexagon SDK working on this tablet.

1) I tried directly using Hexagon SDK 1.2.2 on this board. But the getserial script used for signing was hanging. The advice that I got was to use the latest upgrade package from Intrinsyc.

2) So I installed their latest upgrade package whic has version 2.1. Then I pushed the aDSP images from Hexagon SDK 1.2.2 onto the board. Now when I run the getserial command it gives me ther error "Could not retrieve serial num". I thought this might be due to installing the aDSP image from Hexagon SDK.

3) So I again flashed their 2.1 upgrade package. Now when I run getserial, it succeeds and I was able to generate a testsig and install it in the correct location. But when I run the calculator example on the aDSP it gives me a "signature verify start failed error".  

Q1. Any idea what could be the reason for the signature verify error ?

Q2. Also, Is there anyway to turn off this signing and checking mechanism ?




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Join Date: 6 May 14
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Posted: Wed, 2015-03-18 10:48
I tried once again after flashing and installing adsp images from the hexagon 1.2.2 SDK. This time getserial is working fine and the calculator example works locally but fails on the aDSP with the following message.
- starting calculator test
adspmsgd not supported
- allocate 4000 bytes from heapid 23 with flags 0x0
- creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
- compute sum on the aDSP
Error: compute on aDSP failed
The logs from logcat are as follows.
D/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/adsprpcd.c:21::info: calling: 0 == adsp_default_listener_register()
E/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:130:/dev/adsprpc-smd device initialization error: Operation not permitted
E/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:183::error: -1: dev != -1
E/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:224::error: -1: 0 == (nErr = remotectl_open(name, (int*)ph, dlerrstr, sizeof(dlerrstr), &dlerr))
E/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:130:/dev/adsprpc-smd device initialization error: Operation not permitted
E/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:183::error: -1: dev != -1
E/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/adsprpcd.c:21::error: -1: 0 == adsp_default_listener_register()
D/adsprpc ( 2861): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/adsprpcd.c:26:adsprpcd exiting -1
There are also a lot of errors from the AudioDaemon.
1) Any idea why the calculator example is not running on the aDSP ?
2) Has anyon here been able to run the calculator example on the aDSP ?
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Join Date: 1 Dec 14
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Posted: Tue, 2015-05-12 23:01

I have tried the calculator example in MDP 810 and faced simiar problem.

Have you found any solution to this problem?


AHM Rubaiyat

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Join Date: 6 May 14
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Posted: Wed, 2015-05-13 03:07

Hi Rubaiyat,

I could not get the example to run. When I contacted intrinsyc, they wanted logs from minidm. But i had issues setting up minidm.


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Join Date: 11 Feb 15
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Posted: Thu, 2015-05-14 11:43

Hi Kiran

We have recently released SDK 2.0. Is it possbile for you to try with this SDK?

It contains a heap auto-discover mechanism that works on any target (we had to specify the heap id in the cmd files before).

Try this:

- Load the DSP to your 8084.

- Run calculator_walktrhough.cmd




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Join Date: 10 Sep 15
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Posted: Fri, 2015-09-18 19:02

Hello Marior,

I am having the same issue:

- starting calculator test
adspmsgd not supported
- allocate 4000 bytes from heapid 23 with flags 0x0
- creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
- compute sum on the aDSP
Error: compute on aDSP failed
I can verify that, the problem is not solved with SDK 2.0. I did a step by step analysis, the code that is compiled for Hexagon DSP doesn't run. Note: I am using Inforce 6540 which hosts Snapdragon 805. According to the documents, this should work but it doesn't.
Can anyone help, this is very urgent.
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Join Date: 11 Feb 15
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Posted: Mon, 2015-09-21 09:55


I'll try my best to help you

Have you loaded the SDK dsp to your device? You can use the push_adsp.cmd script located in <SDK_ROOT>\tools\scripts like:

push_adsp.cmd C:\Qualcomm\Hexagon_SDK\2.0\images\8074_8084\adsp_proc

Can you also check what the logcat messages show. Open a new cmd prompt window and type:

      adb shell logcat -s adsprpc

Can you also specify which build you have loaded on your device?


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Join Date: 27 Nov 17
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Posted: Sat, 2017-12-16 22:16

I'm having the same issues. Cannot get getserial to run. Simply hangs without any output. 

Device is a Nexus 6P (msm8994/Snapdragon 810).

Tried SDK 2.0 and SDK 3.2. 

SDK 2.0 has only has old images; SDK 3.2 has no images that I can find.

What am I not understanding here? Can anyone help?


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