Forums - Binary for amd64?

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Binary for amd64?
Join Date: 3 Nov 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2017-11-03 01:41

I had heard good things about the performance of the Qualcomm VI SLAM system and so wished to compare it to a few other solutions. However unless I am missing something the binaries are only available for arm architectures. Are there any amd64 versions or any plans to release them in the future?

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Join Date: 21 Aug 13
Posts: 65
Posted: Fri, 2017-11-03 07:45

There can be options for licensed Qualcomm OEM partners to a get x86-64 version to evaluate MV and used within test and simulation environments.  For those that may work inside one of those partners, work through your companies normal QC contacts to initiate that process.  Otherwise, there are no current plans to support x86-64 on QDN.

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