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Software Testing
Join Date: 15 Jun 16
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 24
Posted: Sat, 2017-08-19 06:04


I am using CSR1010 as a standalone Bluetooth + MCU unit in my device. Other than CSR1010 I have peripherals connected to CSR via I2C. I would like to thoroughly test my CSR1010 code.

What mechanism would you recommend for this? So far I have been using Breakpoints in the debug mode. But is there a way to run tests using CSR xIDE that would verify my device software in more detail?

Any inputs on this are highly appreciated.



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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Join Date: 6 Jun 16
Location: Skype: nissim.test CSR1010 External design house
Posts: 235
Posted: Sat, 2017-08-19 07:28

Send text message to CSR1010 UART

or call my Skype nissim.test

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Join Date: 15 Jun 16
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 24
Posted: Sun, 2017-08-20 23:18

Hi Dr. Nissim,

What do you mean by Send a text message to UART? Can you please ellaborate?



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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Join Date: 6 Jun 16
Location: Skype: nissim.test CSR1010 External design house
Posts: 235
Posted: Mon, 2017-08-21 00:42

Instead of using break point, send text messages to CSR1010 UART. so you can see on PC serial terminal. 

call my Skype nissim.test

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