Forums - qcom_http_client_method(HTTPC_POST_CMD) doesn't work on QCA4010

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qcom_http_client_method(HTTPC_POST_CMD) doesn't work on QCA4010
Join Date: 28 Jun 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2017-06-28 01:13

Dear Qualcomm, 

In one of our previous IOT projects, we were using QCA4004 where we used the following API to post data to the cloud --> 


Now we have moved to a new Qualcomm chip QCA4010 and we were hoping that the same API should work without any problem. I see that whenever we use this API, we always get a -1 error from it. I am not sure what is happening out there. However

rc = qcom_http_client_method(HTTPC_DATA_CMD,

                                     (uint8_t*)"authToken", prvWifi_buffer,


Works perfectly! (At least I am not getting any error) 

I am 100% certain that my SSL certificates are in place etc. I am using HTTP(s) to post. 

Can someone help me out here ? 



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Join Date: 15 Aug 17
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2017-08-16 00:33

Dear Cusotmer,

Please check the QAC4010 SDK for qcom_http_client_method and it also enhanced void *ssl_ctx.

and you can refer to Swat_pares.c sample code.

A_STATUS qcom_http_client_method(

_qcom_http_client_method(A_UINT32 cmd, A_UINT8 *url, A_UINT8 *data, A_UINT8 *value, void *ctx);

For HTTP with SSL, the SSL context with data instead of NULL is passing to differentiate between HTTPS and HTTP in the lower layers.
For normal HTTP, the SSL context is NULL.



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