Forums - calculator cannot find file or invalid file descriptor

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calculator cannot find file or invalid file descriptor
Join Date: 20 Apr 17
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2017-04-21 00:06


I am trying to run the calculator example on the adsp.the step as follows: "python"
run "/vendor/bin/calculator 1 1 1000"  was ok.
when I run "/vendor/bin/calculator 0 1 1000"。
the  output was
- starting calculator test
adspmsgd not supported
- allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap
- creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999
- compute sum on the DSP
Error: compute on DSP failed"
logcat claims:
dsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:171::error: -5: 0 == (nErr = dlerr)
dsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:174: dlopen error: adspmsgd_adsp cannot find file or invalid file descriptor: fd=:-1
dsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:171::error: -5: 0 == (nErr = dlerr)
dsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:174: dlopen error: calculator cannot find file or invalid file descriptor: fd=:-1
dsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:171::error: -5: 0 == (nErr = dlerr)
dsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:174: dlopen error: adspmsgd_adsp cannot find file or invalid file descriptor: fd=:-1
the log didn't tell the file name which it needed。I dont know what's going wrong.also I set the "ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH" with the "" location.
thanks for any help.
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Join Date: 22 Sep 16
Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 2017-04-21 05:50

can you please give us minidm logs also ? 

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Join Date: 20 Apr 17
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2017-04-23 23:58

I used the pixel phone which was rooted. I just run the and didn't use minidm.

I also tried to run downscaleBy2, logcat declared signature verify failed.

doesn't the OEM phones or tablets can be use for DSP debug?

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