Forums - Reliability with SDK 2.6.1

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Reliability with SDK 2.6.1
Join Date: 8 Jun 16
Location: San Jose
Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 2016-09-29 11:04

We encountered a reliability problem with the SDK 2.6.1.

Multiple of our customers have reported that too. Products build with the SDK 2.6.1 will crash between 30 minutes and 5 hours. After a 72h test, we have seen an average crash time (reboot) of 30 minutes. For example, our simple BLE advertising scanner configuration (no transmit) with the AIRcable SuperBeacon does that, so do all our new Smart Mesh products, such as the AIRcable MiniMesh Serial_RS232-to-Mesh interface.

Using the SDK 2.5.1 without changing anything in the code leads to a perfect crash free result.

Can you guys please investigate? It seems like the receiver stopps working first, then a short while later it will receive some unknown event and then panics. I don't have more information about this. But we have stopped cusing SDK 2.6.1 for all our products.

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Join Date: 11 Jun 16
Location: Korea
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2017-04-04 03:32

Is that problem solveld now?

I also experienced similar problem several months ago. I don't know why it happens but it was not happened after stop using data stream model.

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