Forums - UART Tx/Rx affecting Radio Rx/Tx

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UART Tx/Rx affecting Radio Rx/Tx
Join Date: 3 May 15
Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 2016-12-29 23:53



I am sending commands via UART which in turn send Mesh messages.

However I observe on continous sending of UART messsages, the mesh messages Tx start to misbehave. The advertisement packets stop sending in some channels. Eg, message is sent in only channel 37,39.

What is the relationship between UART and RF? Is there any preferred baud rate? I am currently configured at 115200.




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Join Date: 3 May 15
Posts: 27
Posted: Wed, 2017-01-11 18:11


Ok, Possible issue is that when processing the UART Command, the data should not be sent through this context.

If the Command processing creates a timer and the data send happens in the timer handler context, there seems to be no issue.


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