Forums - BLE central Access Address

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BLE central Access Address
Join Date: 4 Jun 16
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2016-08-08 03:02


We are using the CSR101x eval board in central mode for some proof of concept demonstration. While testing, we observed that the BLE acces address for the CSR101x did not change. When we had two evl boards powered up, both of them had the same access address.

Please let me know if there;s a way to randomize the BLE address when the role is BLE central.



Sayu Sekhar.

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Join Date: 4 Mar 15
Location: IoT consultant, Cambridgeshire, UK
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2016-08-11 03:50

There are two types of address: Public and Random.

  • * The Public address is set in the Configuration Store (you might have a .keyr file in your project? It will be there) and hard coded into the firmware image you build.
  • * The Random address may be changed by GapSetRandomAddress() or SMPrivacyRegenerateAddress()


For the purposes of your testing it probably won't matter that your Central and Peripheral have the same address. Problems will start if you introduce a third device.

When you go into production you will need to configure a unique Public address and some other items such as security keys into each device. There is a command-line tool to do this.

Best Regards,


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