Forums - ld.qcld - Snapdragon Linker

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ld.qcld - Snapdragon Linker
Join Date: 4 Mar 13
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2016-07-12 08:35
Howdy, Though I've used the 3.8 llvm to build a couple of custom audio libs already, my current project is a custom/upstream kernel for a device with a somewhat unique qcom board *cough galaxy s4 snapdragon "600"*. I've poured over the documentation for your linker and still have to ask, is it possible to use it as a replacement for the gnu ld for a kernel build? From the docs and --help, it looks like I could make it happen with a little elbow-grease/flag-usage/hacking. If it IS possible, would it provide any significant linking improvements for the compiled msm kernel? If yes to all of the above, would it be a licensing violation given the bsd license? Thanks in advance, this has been on my mind for a while now, as I really like working with krait architecture. Rob Ps. GCC krait tuning patches pretty please? ; )
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Raja Moderator
Join Date: 17 Apr 13
Posts: 42
Posted: Tue, 2016-07-12 10:11

Thanks for using Snapdragon LLVM and your Qs. Below is some info that may answer your Qs

- We never tried building Linux kernel with QC Linker. While QC Linker is a full featured linker, it does not support all features in GNU linker. I would suspect that more work needs to be done in QC Linker to be able to correctly link and bring up Linux kernel

- What kind of improvements are you looking for? The linker itself doesn't do any performance or space optimizations (other than common ones such as garbage collection that GNU linker does).

I am not the right person to answer licensing Qs, so I will request one of my colleagues to respond on that. 



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Join Date: 4 Mar 13
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2016-07-12 11:59
Thank you very much for your prompt response and insightful info : ) My curiosity was leaning towards any potential board-specific LTO's , but after reading your answer and more documentation, it's clear that this linker was built to compliment the snapdragon llvm. (This, in itself is a major accomplishment and I commend you and your team!) That said, it looks like kernel-related building with this tool would be a much bigger project than simply borrowing from it. As far as I know, the upstream llvm-kernel project contintues to make great strides, and then stall for a couple of years, and is better left alone. Don't worry about the licensing question, I'm sure i already know the answer... Thanks again! I'm always looking for more ways to give life to this old board and am sure I'll be back to hassle you once I start my next app ; ) Take care
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