Forums - Qualcomm Compiler

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Qualcomm Compiler
Join Date: 12 May 16
Posts: 27
Posted: Fri, 2016-05-20 17:30

Posting this question on behalf of xboxfanj

I saw you guys recently released the new 3.8 LLVM compiler and had a few questions.

First off, according to the documentation, using A57 flags is the best for Kryo, is that correct? It appears that there are Kryo flags, so it seems surprising that A57 would outperform flags designed specifically for Kryo.

Also, in the past, Qualcomm LLVM toolchains have only supported target compilation (as opposed to host), is that still the case?  If so, how can I compile all possible packages with Qualcomm LLVM rather than AOSP (automatically, rather than by specifically adding a flag to each package)?

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Raja Moderator
Join Date: 17 Apr 13
Posts: 42
Posted: Mon, 2016-05-23 13:55

Thanks for your Qs/


1. For the 3.8 release, we observed that using -mcpu=cortex-a57 continues to deliver better performance. We are still working on tuning for Kryo and expect to have it avaialble by 3.9 release.

2. There is no plan for Qualcomm to support non-ARM targets thru the Snapdragon LLVM ARM Toolchain. Host builds in AOSP need to use AOSP LLVM.

3. We shared a patch after 3.7 release that we use internally to build AOSP. I can repost that patch. We modify only the TARGET build lines to use Snapdragon LLVM.

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