Qualcomm Exercise Video Dataset

Qualcomm AI Research presents the Qualcomm Exercise Video Dataset (QEVD) which explores human-AI interaction in the challenging real-world domain of fitness coaching – a task which intrinsically requires monitoring live user activity and providing timely feedback. Our dataset includes corrective feedbacks to address potential user mistakes and steer them towards successful workout completion.

Our dataset contains 474+ hours of videos and includes the following:

  • QEVD-Fit-300k (fine-grained short videos)
    • The QEVD FIT 300K dataset includes 289k video clips between 2 and 10 seconds long of humans performing pre-defined exercises including specific variations of each. The dataset also includes 14k video clips of everyday human activities relevant in a fitness context. The dataset is designed for training machine learning models for fine-grained human motion understanding in the fitness domain.
    • They cover 148 different exercises and their variations including: varied pacing, performing common mistakes, and modified form.
    • Approx. 10 variations were collected per exercise.

  • QEVD-Fit-Coach
    • The QEVD FIT-COACH Dataset includes 149 workout videos of humans performing a structured workout consisting of 4-6 exercises.
    • Each video is ~3.5 minutes long and is annotated with feedbacks from the perspective of a fitness coach.
    • This dataset also includes additional annotations for the QEVD-FIT-300K dataset including:
      1. feedbacks from a fitness coach perspective
      2. high level questions (e.g., What exercise is the user doing?)
      3. fine-grained questions (e.g., Is the user moving their arms?).
    • The dataset is designed for training machine learning models for interactive fitness coaching.

  • QEVD-Fit-Coach-Benchmark
    • The QEVD FIT-COACH Benchmark includes 74 workout videos of humans performing a structured workout consisting of 4-6 exercises.
    • Note: These videos contain distinct participants from the QEVD-FIT-Coach Dataset.
    • Each video is ~3.5 minutes long and is annotated with feedbacks from the perspective of a fitness coach.
    • The benchmark is designed for testing machine learning models for interactive fitness coaching.

Dataset license

QEVD Dataset is available for research purposes.

Download Files

The QEVD contains 3 subsets. Please download ALL files below from each subset and follow the steps outlined in the download instructions file.

Updated 01 Jul 24

Updated 01 Jul 24

Updated 01 Jul 24

Dataset download

You will need to be logged in with your Qualcomm OneID account in order to download. If you do not have an active account, please click the "Register" button at the top of the page to get started.


Full list of exercises and fine-grained attributes for the QEVD-FIT-300K video collection. Each video is labeled with one or more label in the format: "<exercise> - <fine-grained attribute>".

Please download this file:

Example of exercise class and fine-grained attributes

Example of General actions
