Forums - ARM System Register (S3_3_C2_C4_0) Compilation Error

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ARM System Register (S3_3_C2_C4_0) Compilation Error
Join Date: 2 May 24
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2024-06-25 01:19


I am working on a UEFI FMP Driver for QualComm Arm
It's my first time building Arm Architecture as a target, and an error occurred at the bottom while using the random number generation library.

Build log as below

If I look at the error content, you get an error that says "S3_3_C2_C4_0" should be constant.

I think the S3_3_C2_C4_0 system register should be recognized.

What is meaning that "S3_3_C2_C4_0"? And How to fix this error?


My development environment is as follows.

EDK PlatForm: EDK2023_02
Compiler : MSVC v142 Arm64
Clang & SDLLVM Version: 14.0.1
Development Environment: Windows 10

Target System: QualComm Arm CPU NoteBook

window CLI using EDK2(EDK2023_02 Version)



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