Forums - Xiaomi Redmi 8T vulkan drivers

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Xiaomi Redmi 8T vulkan drivers
Join Date: 22 Feb 24
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2024-04-09 03:36



as I previously posted in another thread, I cannot connect Snapdragon profiler to my xiaomi redmi 8T (connection always times out) so I cannot diagnose why the vulkan drivers are so way slower than opengl when running a unity based game.

What I mostly don't understand is how the two drivers can be so different on GPU times. OpenGL runs at 10ms, Vulkan runs at 26ms. It would make sense if the CPU processing would take longer, but GPU is a mistery and I can blame only wrong synchronizations?

So the main question is, who writes the xiaomi vulkan drivers and can they really be so bad?

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