Forums - Snapdragon Profiler with Quest 3 and Unity URP

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Snapdragon Profiler with Quest 3 and Unity URP
Join Date: 7 Dec 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2023-12-08 15:19

Hello! First post, let me know if I can improve the question and information. 

I've been trying to attach the Snapdragon profiler to my simple Unity app running on the Meta Quest 3- I am able to get system metrics like CPU / Memory / GPU stats etc but I am unable to take a snapshot (which is what I'd really love to do!)

Launching the app via Snapdragon Snapshot window leaves me with the warning "No eligible processes found", although the app does launch and run on the Quest hardware - so it's unable to hook into the process for some reason?  

Some details about the build:

Unity Version: 2022.3.14f1, using URP version 14.0.9

Using OpenGL ES 3.1 Graphics API 

Snapdragon Profiler Version: v2023.4.0.10032023


I've seen some examples online of Snapdragon successfully connecting to Unity Apps on other hardware, and there are a lot of moving parts here. Is Snapdragon Profiler compatible with the Quest 3 hardware? Any guidance on getting it running would be appreciated. Thanks! 

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