Forums - GPU not detected on SA8155P (LV3.2 AGL OS)

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GPU not detected on SA8155P (LV3.2 AGL OS)
Join Date: 28 May 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2023-07-03 22:34


We have a SA8155P ADP board which has LV3.2 (Automotive Grade Linux) flashed. When we connect the board to profile, we could see CPU / NPU and DSP getting listed, but not the GPU.

There are some ML apps that utilizes vulkan and run on GPU. They are running as a different user (not root, but with sudo privileges).  We would like to profile those ML apps. We could see the apps showing the real-time trace, but we couldn't get to the GPU utilization as it's not available in the profiler. 


We tried giving go+rw privileges to /sys/class/kgsl folders, but still no luck. Could you please assist in identifying what could be going wrong with GPU not getting detected in the profiler?

Thanks in advance,


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