Forums - Associating program # with shader name in Snapshot output

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Associating program # with shader name in Snapshot output
Join Date: 7 Jun 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2023-06-29 09:52
Hello all,
I'm profiling a Unity build that uses a small (15) number of shaders. I'm exporting a .csv from a Snapshot Data Explorer, and am doing some external analysis to determine which models/materials/shaders are responsible for the greatest amount of rendering time. While the export functionality gets me most of the way there, I'm hitting a snag when it comes to associating the shader program ID (program = 267) with the corresponding shader in Unity. It's not too difficult to click through the OpenGL commands, inspect the shader source in the shader analyzer, and figure out which shader corresponds to each ID, but it is very time-consuming, and will have to be done for every shader each time I run a new capture.
Is there an easier way of doing this? Either a way to associate each shader ID with its source file more quickly (perhaps via a compilation log?), or an easier way of getting a per-shader breakdown of clock/GPU usage?
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