Forums - Using Opengl to stream to the computer results in a yellow screen compared to Vulkan

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Using Opengl to stream to the computer results in a yellow screen compared to Vulkan
Join Date: 25 May 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2023-05-25 20:47


When I use the Unity3D interface and use Opengl rendering for camera image display, the image will turn yellow when streaming to the screen, but this does not happen when using Vulkan, and it is normal to write a demo image using the Android interface. When using Opengl, the previewvideo_0 is used for preview, no relevant information was found online.I am sure my demo preview is also using preview_0 ,notpreviewvideo_0.By the why,I find that when I use unity3D for preview,it will use two output stream ,I don't know how this was done .Does anyone know how to analyze this situation?


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