Forums - Microarchitecture profiling

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Microarchitecture profiling
Join Date: 3 Mar 21
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2021-03-09 10:44

Hello, I am new to the forums and I am not sure I am posting in the right place. I have a question about profiling Snapdragon SOC CPU cores at microarchitectural level (cache misses, branch mispredictions etc...). I was looking at purchasing Qualcomm 888 Hardware Development Kit ( and profiling the cores with ARM Mobile Studio ( I asked around on ARM forums and they indicated that ARM mobile studio will provide basic architectural counters, but not in depth microarchitectural counters (architectural PMU counters vs microarchitectural PMU counters are described here: - page 2851 vs page 2858). In order to profile microarchitectural state, vendor would have to provide ARM the microarchitectural counter definitions. My questions is:

Will I be able to profile Qualcomm 888 Hardware Development Kit's cores at microarchitectural level using ARM tools? If not, are there any tools that Qualcomm provides to be able to do that? Are there any other boards that provide microarchitectural state profiling?

I am doing this research for a potential project at school.

Thank you and Best Regards,


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