Forums - GPU percentage Utilization for running dlc model on SD845

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GPU percentage Utilization for running dlc model on SD845
Join Date: 10 Aug 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2020-10-21 07:06


We are developing SNPE compliant android application with MobileNet SSD dlc file for object detection. Application is running on SD845.  Runtimes supported for this MobileNet SSD dlc are CPU, GPU, GPU FLOAT16 and DSP. Now to get the utilisation of each runtime, We are using latest Snapdragon Profiler on Ubuntu 18.04. 

When GPU or GPU FLOAT16 is being used as runtime, GPU percentage  utilisation on SnapdragonProfiler is 2.555 for GPU and 2.362 for GPU FLOAT16. Now, When this application is using GPU runtime for dlc execution and inference, Percentage values which we are getting from GPU percentage utilisation seems unreliable and too low. 

The value rendering in top left corner of GPU percentage utilisation is indeed percentage value of how much GPU is being utilised in system? 2.555 GPU percentage utilisation seems too low GPU utilisation for dlc execution happening on GPU runtime. I'd like to highlight here that There isn't a bigger spike in gpu percentage utilisation graph when dlc is being executed and There's not much of fluctuation in GPU percentage utilisation when application is running or not running. Refer this screenshot for GPU runtime and refer this screenshot for GPU FLOAT16 runtime.

For some scenarios, We are getting 771.92m as the value rendering in top left corner of GPU percentage utilisation which is definitely not a percentage value. what this m value stands for? and how to get GPU percentage utilisation in percentage format from 771.92m? Refer this for Screenshot of the same.

For DSP utilisation, We are getting ADSP(Application), CDSP(Compute) and SDSP(Sensor) percentage utilisation. Would really appreciate if we can get some insights on what each DSP means and which one to prioritise when it comes to DSP percentage utilisation for SNPE compliant android application. Refer this for reference.

Regarding DSP utilization on SD845, system CDSP consumption is 1.063% only and system ADSP consumption is 7.117%  Refer this screenshot for DSP utilisation. This DSP utilization has been taken when MobileNet SSD dlc is running on DSP runtime. This systemwide CDSP consumption(1.063%) on Snapdragon Profiler seems too low when executing MobileNet SSD dlc on DSP runtime. Can we get some insights on reliablity of this CDSP consumption value?

Thanks & Regards,


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