Forums - camera frame duration mismatch

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camera frame duration mismatch
Join Date: 9 Jun 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2020-07-29 21:54
Hi all,
I am very new to android development. As a part of my project I have to use stereo vision cameras. I have used a sample app to captue 1920*1080 images & display it, and simultaneously trace the app via profiler.
If the camera supports 1920*1080 at 30 fps, so each frame will take 33.33 ms. But on the profiler is non-uniform and ranging from 2-5 ms. As shown in the link, I guessed the duration of CAM_strmDatPro is the call to get data from the camera. 
If anyone can give some insights into this it would be very helpful for me as a beginer.
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