Forums - Vulkan Surface time vs Open GL Surface Time

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Vulkan Surface time vs Open GL Surface Time
Join Date: 14 Jul 17
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2020-03-11 03:48

Hi there,

Im used to profile my games using snapdragon surface time and OPenGL.

Now i have started a new project and im kinda lost.

Each frame;

My games is runinng 60 FPS using OpenGL, i profile and the numbers of surface time, render time and gmem all are OK. less than 16.6.
I play with unity settings and back to profile, everything make sense.

Now using Vulkan the numbers are not correct.
Game is running down 60 FPS, around 55Fps, surface time should be up 16.6, around 18 or more. My surprice is that my Surface time and all other render are small, around 7.2 ms, that can not be possible as the game is not close to 60 FPS.

How should i check the actual render time? Do i need to include the;

CPU API trace  + Surface time?
CPU API trace + QueueSubmissions?

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