Forums - Unable to connect device in SnapdragonProfiler

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Unable to connect device in SnapdragonProfiler
Join Date: 28 Oct 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2020-03-07 19:24



Earlier today I managed to collect traces on my android device (Pixel 3) using the latest SnapdragonProfiler. Now whenever I try to connect i get below error. I tried increasing timeout, confirmed that "adb devices" correctly shows my device as online (and I was able to "adb shell" into it), and tried rebooting phone/restarting profiler. The phone is rooted. The troubleshooting page didn't suggest more other than posting here.

I: SDPCore: Scanning for devices...
I: SDPCore: Started Integrity_RTOS device scan
I: SDPCore: Started QNX device scan
I: SDPCore: Device added: 824X002UM
I: SDPCore: Device '824X002UM' discovered.
I: SDPCore: Device '824X002UM' ready.
I: SDPCore: Starting service: adb -s 824X002UM shell LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler /data/local/tmp/SnapdragonProfiler/sdpservice -clientIP -cmdNetPort 6500
I: SDPCore: Listening for command net connections on port 6500...
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 listening on tcp://
E: SDPCore: Device '824X002UM' connection failed: Timed out waiting for a connection from the target device. Please try connecting again. If the problem persists, try increasing the connection timeout in File->Settings->Device..
I: SDPCore: Server socket 0x00000002 closed on tcp://


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