Forums - Snapdragon 450 series

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Snapdragon 450 series
Join Date: 13 Feb 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2020-02-13 02:43

Hello dear gurus.

Purchased a smartphone Motorola (Lenovo) moto G6 on the platform Anroid 8.0 Oreo.
Conducted OTA security updates.After that, it was suggested to update to Anrdroid 9.0 Pie.Updated.
Next, I installed a custom recovery Project (teamwin Recovery Project (TWRP)) on the new boot loader,and created a backup system for this recovery.
Next, I tried to fill in a new custom (Amateur) firmware (ViperOS),but TWRP refused to install this firmware.
So I tried about 10 different firmware versions,including official ones that were compatible with my Moto G6 device.
In the end, through trial and error, I turned a brand-new phone into a Hard Brick.
Now neither recovery, nor the system, nor even the chain of PBL,aboot,SBL loaders (bootloader) is started.
The only way the phone is detected (after installing specific drivers for my device and processor)in the system is Qualcomm HS-USB Qload 9008. That is, Emergency Download mode (EDL mode).
To convert the device to SoftBrick (9006) - light brick.I need to restore the entire chain of loaders, starting with the SBL of the secondary loader.
For my device, there is a special utility called BlankFlash_PPS29. 26 (see Attachment) that runs automatically when Blank_Flash is started.bat, re-partitioning MBR partitions, creating a partition table, and restoring the entire bootloader chain.
But there is one significant "BUT", this utility completely refuses to re-flash the chain of device loaders, giving an I / o error in the logs (see Attachment).
After talking with smart people from the forward, I realized that for a successful firmware update of my device, the same OTA security update is not suitable,what is later in the utility, and what is newer and more secure on the device and the singleimage configuration file.the bin in this utility is not suitable.
If there are people able to write the correct script for .bash for my firmware version and security system and embed it all directly into singleimage.bin, then please respond.

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