Forums - How do I learn to interpret profiler data?

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How do I learn to interpret profiler data?
Join Date: 29 Jan 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2020-01-29 04:19

I'm a Unity developer working on Quest (mobileVR) apps. I've watched the stickies pointing to the few videos on how to use the profiler, as well as other optimisation tutorials I've found over the years. They all say "learn to use the profiler," but very few tell you where to go to learn the more low level stuff... It's pretty esoteric stuff!

I've been a developer for about 4 years but I still don't really know what I'm looking at when viewing a frame Snapshot, for example. Presentations like the one at Unite tend to have fairly high level explanations of what's at stake (thermal throttling, too many drawcalls etc.) but no real indepth information about what all the data presented means, and how it can be used to work out where problems lie.

Where do Pros go to learn about this kind of information? Are there any indepth walk throughs of a scene optimisation that anyone can point me to?

So for example, I have a scene which is optimised as far as I know how to (mesh combined, texture atlased, no scripts to speak of) which has only 30 drawcalls but is only hitting 60fps on the device (rather than the required 72fps). What's the process for drilling down into the numbers to know where the bottlenecks lie, and how I can improve performance? 

In other words, how do I know what the different values should be on the different metrics? Which metrics shouild I be keeping an eye on, etc.

Can anyone offer any advice or mentoring on this topic, to help make it a little less of a dark art?


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