Forums - Problem showing ASTC4x4 textures

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Problem showing ASTC4x4 textures
Join Date: 3 Feb 15
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2019-12-16 01:44

Using the SnapDragon profiler v2019.3.0.9132019, I've noticed some visual glitch when showing ASTC_4x4 textures.
Apparently, some block, using mode 0x052 are not properly decoded.
These blocks are using two partitions, LDR-RGB-Direct with 5 bits per values, and weights on quint (0..4)
It seems these block are not decoded with the proper partition, or their weights are not properly decoded.
The materials using these textures are not showing the artifacts so it really seems to be a software decoding issue for the texture view.

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