Forums - Camera Interfacing and Driver Support

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Camera Interfacing and Driver Support
Join Date: 28 Jan 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2019-01-29 23:40

Hello All,

I am completely new to Qualcomm Family and especially with Snapdragon Systems. But i am trying to get information and research into the possibility of using a Snapdragon processor for a application which involves camera interfacing. 

The Camera I am trying to interface is from SONY with LVDS output. I am told for other processors, with parallel camera interface that I need to convert the signals from LVDS to Camera Parallel Interface. I intend to run Linux Kernel and a basic operating filesystem with this application. 

For Snapdragon and Camera Interfacing, especially with new/ custom cameras, I have some questions and doubts about the system in regards to the Software Part of Snapdragon.

  1. Is it possible that Snapdragon Technical Support can give support especially with the drivers that would be required for the camera to work either in Linux or in Android ?
  2. Do i have to use any chipset, like a signal converter or a Camera Sensor Bridge to interface the camera with the sensor bridge ?
  3. Is it possible to use the generic drivers for camera once there are signal converters in place ?
  4. Are there any applications or development/ evaluation kits for Sony Cameras with Snapdragon ?

I would really appreciate the help and support from the Developer Community at Qualcomm. 

Thanks and Regards,

Rohan Valvekar


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