Forums - Cannot launch Snapdragon Profiler (no error message)

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Cannot launch Snapdragon Profiler (no error message)
Join Date: 6 Jan 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2019-01-06 22:32

Hi, I'm Sodam.

I try to trace power consupmtion of Open-Q 845 HDK development kit, which contains Snapdragon845.


I setup the environment following the user guide (like HW/SW system requirements in page 7) and installed Snapdragon Profiler with Admin. previliege.

After the installation, I tried to run the program with and without administrator previliege both and I cannot launch the Profiler.


When I double click or click 'run', It has no error message and nothing happens.


What can be the solution?



Sodam Han.

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