Forums - How much is too much? VBO, overdraw, no ops, etc.

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How much is too much? VBO, overdraw, no ops, etc.
Join Date: 14 Jul 17
Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 2018-10-16 07:59

Hi again!

Recently I have being watching many optimization video but I can get the number correct for mobile development.

For example;

In the shader side no-ops should be around 15 or less, why? 

ELU part, I check the chipset and OpenGL version to get around how many instructions and textures I should use.

VBO, again I heard that 15 is too much, but why? And what actually cause VBO?

Average overdraw around 2x, 3x is way too much, the 3x what it actually means? Pixels are writing up another 3 times?

texture bandwidth, no idea how to check it and how much should be ok...

GMEM, should have less as possible, but every time i create a buffer for effects I get some (unity) . Is there a way to get red of it or minimize?


is there any page with explanation about the Calculate Stats and what the data means inside the snapshot?


appreciate any input.



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