Forums - permission denied for tty device

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permission denied for tty device
Join Date: 20 Sep 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2015-10-14 08:52



I am using snapdragon 410c processor and android 5.1 OS. I want to interface a GSM modem connected on ttyxx port. Currently I am using reference HAL layer provided in Android code. I have compiled it as .so lib and copied it to required location.

The problem is when my .so is called and try to open the ttyxx device, I am getting permission denied  error. I have changed init.rc file to point to compile .so library.

I have added following line to ueventd.rc

/dev/ttyxx              0666   radio      radio

Is there any qualcomm specific changes that I am missing in code?

The permission of /dev/ttyxx is set to 666.



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