Forums - How to measure inference performance with inference/sec/W

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How to measure inference performance with inference/sec/W
Join Date: 6 Dec 17
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2018-05-08 23:20

Hi guys,

Thanks for your great efforts in SNPE project and I run benchmark successfully on my device by typing "python -c alexnet_sample.json -a".

I accessed the post and read the following words,

Unit(inf/sec),   CPU --> 6.22,   DSP --> 21.94, GPU --> 37.30
Unit(inf/sec/W), CPU --> 9.80, DSP --> 38.48, GPU --> 56.28

My question is how to measure inference performance with inference/sec/W on snapdragon device(i.e. SDM821)? Is there any special benchmark tool to obtain these parameters? Thanks so much and look forward to your answer.





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