Forums - Error in converting retrained inception_v3 model to .dlc

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Error in converting retrained inception_v3 model to .dlc
Join Date: 21 Sep 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2018-04-10 12:46

I attempted to run a retrained Inception_v3 model (followed the procedure found here in tensorflow's inception_v3 retraining tutorial). The issue was that all the layers of the graph were not supported by the tensorflow to dlc converter. 

    Two sample warnings are shown below: 
  1. WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (module_apply_default/InceptionV3/InceptionV3/Mixed_6d/Branch_1/Conv2d_0b_1x7/Conv2D) not consumed by converter: Conv2D.
  2. WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (module_apply_default/InceptionV3/InceptionV3/Mixed_6b/Branch_2/Conv2d_0c_1x7/Relu) not consumed by converter: Relu.
    I went through the tensorflow graph compatibility chapter and these layers by themselves are supported by SNPE. Is there an issue with the way they're being defined? 
    Here's some additional information which might help:
  1. My SNPE version: 1.12.0
  2. To make use of Tensorflow_hub (which is used by the tutorial), I had to build tensorflow 1.7.0 from sources on my Ubuntu 14.04 VM. 
Thank you,
Sai Krishnan
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