Forums - GPU_timing vs GPU_ub_float_timing

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GPU_timing vs GPU_ub_float_timing
Join Date: 14 Jan 18
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2018-01-21 00:05


I was able to benchmark my model on GPU and see, that there two results rows: GPU_timing and GPU_ub_float_timing.

GPU_timing inference time: 67280 usec

GPU_ub_float_timing inference time: 1249774 usec

Actual model execution in the sample app takes about 240-320ms, measured time before and after actual execution.

t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
outputs = mNeuralNetwork.execute(inputs);
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

Are there any tricks to enable mode mentioned in GPU_timing vs GPU_ub_float_timing or so?

And if the model already executed with mode mentioned in GPU_timing, why are my measurements differs from benchmark about 4 times 67ms vs 250ms

I'll appretiate for the answer, Thanks.

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