Forums - How PerformanceProfile impacts SNPE Performance on 820 Platform

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How PerformanceProfile impacts SNPE Performance on 820 Platform
Join Date: 25 Jun 17
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2017-08-11 02:57

Hi, I experimented SNPE SDK on a S820 platform where Linux AGL is running.

The network model I used is inception_v3.

I tried two PerformanceProfile options while building the network with GPU Runtime.

The time cost is listed below.

the left column is for HIGH_PERFORMANCE, while the right is for POWER_SAVE mode.

From the data, there seems no noticable performance improvement while PerformanceProfile=HIGH_PERFORMANCE.

In general, how much perf improvement can be achieved for HIGH_PERFORMANCE mode?


Snpe library build network model GPU RunTime 





368.393 ms 
371.305 ms 
367.644 ms 
369.606 ms 
368.653 ms 


363.47 ms 
369.301 ms 
369.353 ms 
368.327 ms 
368.223 ms 


  • Up0
  • Down0

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