Forums - Get name of Layer corresponding to type Softmax

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Get name of Layer corresponding to type Softmax
Join Date: 9 Aug 17
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2017-08-09 04:47


Could someone explain how I could get the name of the layer that is of type "Softmax"? Or simply to get the name of the last layer in the network.

I tried printing the names using the getTensorNames function, but the layer names are not in order as specified in the prototxt file. The snpe->getOutputLayerNames function also prints the order differently, it seems to be doing it alphabetically. If the names were in order, I could have got the name of the last layer by iterating to the end of the string list, but since that's not the case, I'm not sure how to perform this operation.

Some sample code with reference to the example Native CPP code that comes with the snpe SDK would be helpful.




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