Forums - Building a application

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Building a application
Join Date: 1 May 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2016-05-05 16:46

I have attempted to developed an application to test the snapdragon debugger for eclipse using a snapdragon 810 development kit

On the develpment kit:

port forward tcp:1234 tcp:1234

./lldb-server g localhost:1234

it now says waiting for connection.


on Eclipse

I go to Debug Configurations

Select C/C++ remote connections

Select OpenCL (LLDB) Debugger

Press Debug


on the develpment kit I get a "connection establish" message.


on eclipse, the debug screen immediately disappears and says "lost connection"


I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Are there any examples that I can follow to make sure I have set up the environment correctly?

There are a number of builds and toolchains and I am not sure if I have setup issues ( to difficult to describe in a post).


Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.


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