Forums - DSP Runtime Error in Native Code (error_code=500)

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DSP Runtime Error in Native Code (error_code=500)
Join Date: 19 Feb 24
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2024-07-09 00:57


I'm facing an issue with running dlc model on the DSP runtime in a Native code. Here is the background:

  • My Java-based android app can successfully use the DSP runtime.
  • In the Native code, inference works with the CPU runtime.

When attempting DSP runtime inference in the Native code, I receive the following error:

snpeBuilder error:error_code=500; error_message=Target runtime is not available. error_code=500; error_message=Target runtime is not available. No viable runtimes available.; error_component=Host Runtime; line_no=409; thread_id=486974745936; error_component=Host Runtime; line_no=270; thread_id=491114299088

Additional Details:

  • Chipset: QCS610
  • SNPE Version:

NDK Version: 25.1.8937393

Has anyone encountered this issue or have suggestions for resolving it?

Thank you.

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