Forums - SNPE212 zdl::SNPE::SNPE reset() could not enter deep sleep mode in Android on QCM6490

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SNPE212 zdl::SNPE::SNPE reset() could not enter deep sleep mode in Android on QCM6490
Join Date: 20 Jun 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2024-06-20 08:12


I am developing an Android APK on the Android 13 system based on the QCM6490, using the SNPE 2.12 SDK. I have initialized an instance of std::unique_ptr snpe through JNI programming at the C++ layer, and I have set its runtime list to (zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::DSP, zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::CPU). The quantized AI model runs on the cDSP, and everything is going smoothly.

However, when the system enters sleep mode, I set snpe.reset(), but the current remains high( aboud 20mA, without Runtime_t::DSP is 12mA). I suspect this may be due to the cDSP not being properly shut down or reset. Do you have any suggestions or solutions?


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