Forums - Downloading QTI Propietary Software

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Downloading QTI Propietary Software
Join Date: 27 May 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2024-06-19 16:50

Hi All,

TThere was no general forum topic to post this so apologies if its not the best fit for the NPSDK.


I'm building an ubuntu image for an RB5165 chipset, and follwoing the QRB5165.UBUN.2.0 RElease notes (doc# 80-42028-5 Rev A.)

When downloading the HLOS software it says to download the propietary component in section 1.2. It referecnes me to another document

#SP80-PK882-4 section 3.2.  That document asks me to download software for a  product SM8250_SDX55 from ChipCode portal. However that product is not available there for me. Can anyone suggest how to get this software or if I need configuration change or an alternate piece of code?

I've attached a screenshot of the relevant documents below



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