Forums - Broken DSP for SDM845 after installing LA.UM.8.3.c25-08900-sdm845.0: Release Tag - r00018.2

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Broken DSP for SDM845 after installing LA.UM.8.3.c25-08900-sdm845.0: Release Tag - r00018.2
Join Date: 1 Aug 23
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2024-06-11 09:43

I have a device with an SDM 845 chipset. I attempted to run SNPE 2.13.0 on the DSP of my device. Everything operated correctly, but after installing the update "LA.UM.8.3.c25-08900-sdm845.0: Release Tag - r00018.2," I found that the DSP doesn't work at all.

Tested different versions of the SNPE lib: 1.60, 2.5, 2.9, 2.10, 2.13(unsigned), 2.13(signed skel files by hexagon sdk elfsigner tool), 2.23(not included V65 skel file for SoC SDM845).

I ran the platform validator tool using the following steps:
Export environment variables:

export SNPE_ROOT=/data/snpe/snpe-

export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH=${SNPE_ROOT}/lib/dsp/

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/${SNPE_ROOT}/lib/aarch64-android/://./vendor/lib64/


Run the tool to validate the runtime on the platform:

./bin/aarch64-android/snpe-platform-validator --runtime dsp --debug --coreVersion --libVersion --testRuntime

DSP is absent, and SNPE is not supported for runtime DSP on the device. Output: 

2147FDATHQJ2:/data/snpe/snpe- # ./bin/aarch64-android/snpe-platform-validator --runtime dsp --debug --coreVersion --libVersion --testRuntime                                                                                                                     

WARNING: linker: Warning: "/data/snpe/snpe-" unused DT entry: unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring)

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->setRuntime

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->RuntimeCheck

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Setting up QnnBackend

DspTransport.openSession qnn_open failed, 0x80000453

IDspTransport: Unknown rpc status 0x80000453

DspTransport failed,cannot open session, error 0xffffffff

DspTransport.openSession qnn_open failed, 0x80000453

IDspTransport: Unknown rpc status 0x80000453

DspTransport failed,cannot open session, error 0xffffffff

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Snpe-QNN backend initialization failed

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test


PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: -2 . Error while executing the sum function.

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Please use testsig if using unsigned images.

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Also make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH points to directory containing skels.

Unit Test on the runtime DSP: Failed.

SNPE is NOT supported for runtime DSP on the device.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->IsRuntimeAvailable

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: CPU side validation passed.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: starting calculator test


PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Successfully loaded DSP library - ''.  Setting up pointers.

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: -2 . Error while executing the sum function.

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Please use testsig if using unsigned images.

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: Also make sure ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH points to directory containing skels.

Runtime DSP Prerequisites: Absent.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->GetLibVersion

PF_VALIDATOR: ERROR: The fastRPC library version is not implemented yet.

Library version of the runtime DSP: Not Found.

PF_VALIDATOR: DEBUG: Calling PlatformValidator->GetCoreVersion

Core Version of the runtime DSP: Hexagon Architecture V65

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