Forums - GPU User Buffers Supported for DSP Runtime Input?

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GPU User Buffers Supported for DSP Runtime Input?
Join Date: 8 Apr 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2024-06-10 01:53


thanks for the wonderful SNPE software.

Can I use OpenGL Buffers as Input for the DSP runtime?

The main.cpp for the `examples/SNPE/NativeCpp/SampleCode/jni/` code seems to permit the configuration:
But the code fails to run on my test tablet with the logcat error:
SNPE::execute Target runtime does not support user buffer given

(I can only reach the `snpe->execute` function by disabling the OpenCLGL interop check (`checkGLCLInteropSupport`). That interop check fails but is not documented well and emits no informative error message. Furthermore, I don't want to use the GPU  runtime, and the cl_egl_sync example from the OpenCL SDK  succeeds on the test tablet.)

Apart from whether the SNPE software supports OpenGL back input buffers, I am unsure whether that makes sense from the hardware perspective. I presume that is only interesting if there was a bus connection between the GPU and the DSP?


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