Forums - Type cast warning when converting onnx to dlc

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Type cast warning when converting onnx to dlc
Join Date: 20 Feb 24
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2024-04-02 04:43

Hi. I'm trying to convert a torch model into onnx model and then into .dlc and quantize using snpe.
My model contains warping function w/ torch.gather() function, where the argument indices should be of type long().
The code below is the torch model I'm using;

def warp_custom(img, flow):
B, C, H, W = img.shape
xx = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, W).view(1, 1, 1, W).expand(B, -1, H, -1)
yy = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, H).view(1, 1, H, 1).expand(B, -1, -1, W)
# Generate the sampling grid
xx = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, W).view(1, 1, 1, W).expand(B, -1, H, -1)
yy = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, H).view(1, 1, H, 1).expand(B, -1, -1, W)
grid =[xx, yy], 1)

# Scale the flow to match grid dimensions
#flow_ = f0.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # Change flow shape to match grid shape
flow_ =[flow[:, 0:1, :, :] / ((W - 1.0) / 2.0), flow[:, 1:2, :, :] / ((H - 1.0) / 2.0)], 1)

# Update the grid with flow
grid_ = (grid + flow_)
grid_ = grid_.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
# Extract coordinates for manual interpolation
y_grid = grid_[:, :, :, 1].clamp(-1, 1) # Clamp y-coordinates within [-1, 1]
x_grid = grid_[:, :, :, 0].clamp(-1, 1) # Clamp x-coordinates within [-1, 1]

# Convert grid coordinates to pixel coordinates
y_index = ((y_grid + 1) / 2) * (H - 1)
x_index = ((x_grid + 1) / 2) * (W - 1)

# Compute integer and fractional parts of pixel coordinates
y_index_int = torch.floor(y_index).long()
x_index_int = torch.floor(x_index).long()
y_index_frac = y_index - y_index_int
x_index_frac = x_index - x_index_int
# Compute the indices of the four nearest pixels
stride = W
top_left_indices = y_index_int * stride + x_index_int
top_right_indices = top_left_indices + 1
bottom_left_indices = top_left_indices + stride
bottom_right_indices = bottom_left_indices + 1

# Clamp indices to be within the image bounds
top_left_indices = torch.clamp(top_left_indices, 0, H * W - 1)
top_right_indices = torch.clamp(top_right_indices, 0, H * W - 1)
bottom_left_indices = torch.clamp(bottom_left_indices, 0, H * W - 1)
bottom_right_indices = torch.clamp(bottom_right_indices, 0, H * W - 1)

img_flat = img.reshape(B, C, -1)
top_left = img_flat.gather(2, top_left_indices.reshape(B, 1, -1).expand(-1, C, -1))
top_right = img_flat.gather(2, top_right_indices.reshape(B, 1, -1).expand(-1, C, -1))
bottom_left = img_flat.gather(2, bottom_left_indices.reshape(B, 1, -1).expand(-1, C, -1))
bottom_right = img_flat.gather(2, bottom_right_indices.reshape(B, 1, -1).expand(-1, C, -1))

top = top_left * (1 - x_index_frac.reshape(B, -1)) + top_right * x_index_frac.reshape(B, -1)
bottom = bottom_left * (1 - x_index_frac.reshape(B, -1)) + bottom_right * x_index_frac.reshape(B, -1)
interpolated = top * (1 - y_index_frac.reshape(B, -1)) + bottom * y_index_frac.reshape(B, -1)
return interpolated.reshape(B, C, H, W)

However in conversion process of onnx to .dlc & quantization, the following warning occurs;

240 - WARNING - WARNING_CAST_TYPE: Only numerical type cast is supported. The op: /Cast_31 will be interpreted at conversion time.

With such .dlc model, it runs on cpu but not on gpu/dsp (quantized model just doesn't work)

Is there any possible solution for this?
torch requires .long or .int64 type to be used as indices, but such type casting makes the above warning occur.

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