Forums - snpe-dlc-quantize "LSTM type Model" suddenly add extra layers

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snpe-dlc-quantize "LSTM type Model" suddenly add extra layers
Join Date: 23 Nov 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2024-02-16 23:00




We are trying to excete DSP runtime on deviecs. it's ok in CPU runtime, but in DSP runtime is core dump. We found our LSTM model run

"snpe-dld-quantize --input_dlc model_p1.dlc --input_list rawlist.txt --output_dlc Quant_model_p1.dlc", and the Quant_model suddenly add extra layer "converted"

And we try "snpe-dlc-graph-prepare --input_dlc Quant_model_p1.dlc  --output_dlc Quant_graph_model_p1.dlc --input_list rawlist.txt".

The following is log 


[INFO] InitializeStderr: DebugLog initialized.
[WARNING] Input[0] has Datatype 0x408.
[USER_WARNING] Validation for Op=94_converted_UFIXED_POINT_8 Type=Convert at pos=28 failed for runtime=2
[USER_WARNING] Validation for Op=159_converted_UFIXED_POINT_8 Type=Convert at pos=36 failed for runtime=2
[INFO] SNPE HTP Offline Prepare: Running graph partitioner
[INFO] SNPE HTP Offline Prepare: Attempting to create cache for SM8350
[USER_INFO] Target device backend record identifier: HTP_V68_SM8350_4MB
[USER_INFO] No cache record in the DLC matches the target device (HTP_V68_SM8350_4MB). Creating a new record
[INFO] Attempting to open dynamically linked lib:
[INFO] dlopen SUCCESS handle 0x26201f0
[INFO] Found Interface Provider (v2.12)
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> Initializing HtpProvider
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> HTP arch will be deprecated, please set SoC id instead.
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> Performance Estimates unsupported
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> Cost Based unsupported on soc SM8350
[USER_INFO] Platform option not set
[USER_INFO] Offline Prepare VTCM size(MB) selected = 4
[USER_INFO] Offline Prepare Optimization Level passed = 2
error_code=401; error_message=Network creation has failed. QnnGraph_finalize failed: 1002; error_component=Dl Network; line_no=2307; thread_id=140202455697344
[USER_INFO] Backend Mgr ~Dtor called for backend HTP
[USER_INFO] Cleaning up Context handle:0x1
[USER_INFO] BackendTerminate triggered
[INFO] Attempting to open dynamically linked lib:
[INFO] dlopen SUCCESS handle 0x26201f0
[INFO] Found Interface Provider (v2.12)
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> HTP arch will be deprecated, please set SoC id instead.
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> Performance Estimates unsupported
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> Cost Based unsupported on soc SM8350
[USER_INFO] Platform option not set
[USER_INFO] Offline Prepare VTCM size(MB) selected = 4
[USER_INFO] Offline Prepare Optimization Level passed = 2
[USER_ERROR] order graph - must have sources and sinks
[USER_ERROR] failed during optimization with err:-1
[USER_ERROR] QnnDsp <E> RouterX86 graph prepare failed 17
[USER_ERROR] QnnDsp <E> Failed to finalize graph (id: 1) with err 1002
[USER_ERROR] error code = 401; QnnGraph_finalize failed: 1002
[USER_INFO] Backend Mgr ~Dtor called for backend HTP
[USER_INFO] Cleaning up Context handle:0x1
[ERROR] SNPE HTP Offline Prepare: Could not generate cache record for subnet 1: {52, 53}
[ERROR] SNPE HTP Offline Prepare: Failed to generate cache for SM8350
[INFO] ======== Run Summary ========
[INFO]   SM8350 :  Failed
[USER_WARNING] QnnDsp <W> Backend 1 free cleanup called during process exit
[USER_INFO] BackendTerminate triggered
[INFO] DebugLog shutting down.


model_p1.jpg / Quant_model_p1.jpg

We dont know  whether the addition layer "Op=94_converted_UFIXED_POINT_8" cant use dsp rutime, or ours steps is wrong.

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