Forums - Compiling "Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK" for SA8295P

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Compiling "Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK" for SA8295P
Join Date: 18 Dec 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2023-12-19 02:46

Hello Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK Forum,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about the compatibility and support for the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK on the QNX platform, specifically QNX7.1 for the SA8295P QC chip.

  1. QNX Support:

    • Can you provide information on the current status and support for compiling the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK for QNX, and specifically for QNX7.1?
  2. TensorFlow with Keras:

    • I am interested in understanding if TensorFlow with Keras can run on top of the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK when targeting the SA8295P QC chip.
    • Are there any considerations or modifications required for running TensorFlow with Keras on this platform?
  3. Make File:

    • If applicable, could you please provide details or a sample Make file for compiling applications with the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK on the QNX7.1 platform?

Any insights or guidance you can provide on these topics would be highly appreciated. I'm looking forward to leveraging the capabilities of the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK for our QNX-based development.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards,

Kumar Kandasamy


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