Forums - Performance Setting for HTP Accelerator

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Performance Setting for HTP Accelerator
Join Date: 24 Mar 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2023-12-14 16:37

In the reference guide for Qualcomm AI Engine Direct SDK, I see that there are various performance settings for the QNN HTP Accelerator. I also see that there is an example C code to set the power config. I believe the example code corresponds to the burst performance mode. There are other modes, such as sustained high performance, high performance, and balanced, that are available with HTP Backend Extensions. I'd like to know how I could do that with the C code, similar to the example code given in the document. I understand that the conditions for each performance mode is listed in the table. But I'm still missing some details. For example, the conditions for sustained high performance and high performance are exactly identical. And I'm not sure how to turn on and off RPC Polling. Any pointers or advice would be very much appreciated.

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