Forums - Cannot read DLC on aarch64

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Cannot read DLC on aarch64
Join Date: 10 May 23
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2023-06-14 23:20

Hello everyone.

For one of my project I migrated the code from C++ SDK 1.X to C SDK 2.X.
When I run the code with the apprioriate DLC on my computer (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) the C code runs without any issue and behaves as expected.

However, when I recompile the code on aarch64 (Qualcomm robotics RB3 platform, SDA845 processor), the code doesn't work anymore.
I am using exactly the same code (just recompiled to aarch64) and the same DLC that I used on my PC that were working fine.

Other information:
- The DLC was generate using the onnx-to-dlc converter
- The C++ version of the code (SDK 1.X) still works fine with the appropriate DLC for SDK 1.X. This on both PC and aarch64.

Has anyone experienced it before? Am I missing anything?
Code wise it fails at the following:

const Snpe_StringList_Handle_t strList_opt = Snpe_SNPE_GetInputTensorNames(*m_snpe);

if (strList_opt == nullptr) {
    printf("getInputTensorNames() error\n");
    return RET_ERR;
strList_opt is actually null. I only had that error before when there were issues related to the DLC files.
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