Forums - What is the best thing to pick a lock with

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What is the best thing to pick a lock with
Join Date: 12 Jun 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2023-06-12 20:15

Lock picking, an age-old practice, has fascinated both hobbyists and professionals alike. While it's important to note that lock picking should only be used legally and responsibly, understanding the tools of the trade is crucial. In this article, we will explore the best tools for picking locks, highlighting their features and discussing their suitability for various scenarios.


Tension Wrench

The tension wrench is a fundamental tool in lock picking. This slender piece of metal applies rotational force to the lock's cylinder, simulating the action of a key. It comes in different shapes and sizes to accommodate different lock types. When selecting a tension wrench, it's important to consider the width and thickness, ensuring a snug fit in the keyway.


Lock Picks

Lock picks are the primary instruments used to manipulate the internal components of a lock. They come in various forms, each designed to interact with different parts of the lock mechanism. Here are a few commonly used lock picks:


a) Hook Picks: These picks feature a curved end resembling a hook. They are versatile and can manipulate individual pins with precision.


b) Rake Picks: Rake picks are used for quickly manipulating multiple pins simultaneously. They have a wavy or sawtooth shape, allowing for rapid up-and-down movements.


c) Diamond Picks: Characterized by a diamond-shaped end, these picks provide flexibility in reaching and manipulating pins in tight spaces.


Torsion Tools

Torsion tools, also known as torsion wrenches or tension bars, are used in conjunction with the tension wrench. They apply rotational force while maintaining tension on the lock cylinder. Similar to tension wrenches, torsion tools vary in size and shape to accommodate different locks. Common types include:

a) Bottom of the Keyway (BOK) Tension Tools: These tools fit into the lower portion of the keyway, offering stability and precise control.


b) Top of the Keyway (TOK) Tension Tools: Placed at the upper part of the keyway, these tools provide a wider range of motion and better visibility.


Specialized Tools

In addition to the core tools, specialized instruments can be valuable additions to a lock picker's toolkit. Some examples include:

a) Key Extractors: Used to remove broken or stuck keys from locks, these tools are crucial in situations where the key has been snapped off inside the lock.


b) Tubular Lock Picks: Designed specifically for tubular locks, such as those found in vending machines and coin-operated devices, these tools manipulate the lock's pin-tumbler mechanism.


c) Electric Lock Picks: Powered by electricity or batteries, electric lock picks provide a motorized picking action. They are particularly useful for professional locksmiths who require speed and efficiency.


Lock picking is a skill that demands practice, patience, and the right tools. Tension wrenches, lock picks, torsion tools, and specialized instruments are all essential components of a well-equipped lock picker's arsenal. Remember, lock picking should only be undertaken legally and ethically, and knowledge of lock picking should be used responsibly. By the way, need any Lock Picks for Sale? is the perfect place to purchase all types of lockpicking tools with the cheapest price ever!


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