Forums - Compiling a UDO for DSP V65 and V66 on device for the example UDO Softmax

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Compiling a UDO for DSP V65 and V66 on device for the example UDO Softmax
Join Date: 24 Feb 20
Posts: 13
Posted: Mon, 2021-06-28 22:44

Dear Sir,

I am trying to run an example of UDO ( softmax) with inception model available with SNPE 1.48.

I tried to compile for Host , which generates the executables but while compiling for DSP V66 it throughs an error listed below:

"cat: hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv83_v60/libUdoSoftmaxUdoPackageImplDsp_so_link.txt: No such file or directory"
I am also sharing the log for the same, please find for your reference
make[1]: Leaving directory `/media/vyom/43929086-191c-4562-bc17-6370c5a4e725/vyom/snpe-'
make -C jni/src/DSP dsp
make[1]: Entering directory '/media/vyom/43929086-191c-4562-bc17-6370c5a4e725/vyom/snpe-'
making /media/vyom/43929086-191c-4562-bc17-6370c5a4e725/vyom/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/tools/qaic
making /media/vyom/43929086-191c-4562-bc17-6370c5a4e725/vyom/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/libs/common/atomic
making /media/vyom/43929086-191c-4562-bc17-6370c5a4e725/vyom/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/libs/common/rpcmem
making /media/vyom/43929086-191c-4562-bc17-6370c5a4e725/vyom/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/test/common/test_main
making /media/vyom/43929086-191c-4562-bc17-6370c5a4e725/vyom/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/test/common/test_util
making .
cat: hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv83_v60/libUdoSoftmaxUdoPackageImplDsp_so_link.txt: No such file or directory
Target: hexagon
Thread model: posix
QuIC LLVM Hexagon Clang version 8.3.07 (based on LLVM 7.0.0)
Kindy help me to resolve the issue.
Thanks and Regards,
Vyom Mishra


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